Projet GEMMA : Autisme & Microbiote
Bio-Modeling Systems, avec sa plateforme opérationnelle CADI™ Discovery, est le partenaire « Biologie Intégrative » du projet GEMMA (Autisme & Microbiote) sélectionné par la Commission européenne pour un financement H2020 de 14,2 millions d’euros.
Ce programme a pour objectif d’identifier des cibles potentielles pour le traitement personnalisé et la prévention des troubles du spectre autistique. Ce projet de recherche novateur sur l’autisme explorera l’interaction entre le microbiome, le métabolome, l’épigénome et la fonction immunitaire afin de proposer des approches diagnostiques et préventives possibles. Téléchargez le communiqué de presse en franais.
GEMMA a réuni une équipe de scientifiques provenant de : EBRIS; Bio-Modeling Systems; Nutricia Research; Medinok; Euformatics; Theoreo; National University of Ireland Galway; Azienda Sanitaria Locale Salerno; Massachusetts General Hospital for Children (teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School); Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; INRA; INSERM; Utrecht University; University of Tampere; Imperial College London and John Hopkins University. Le projet a une durée de 5 ans et un budget total de 14,2 M €.
Le BMSystems’ CADI™ Discovery scientific program est dirigé par le Dr Dr. François Iris, fondateur & CSO de BMSystems et le Dr. Thanos Beopoulos, Integrative Biologist de BMSystems.
About the Project Coordinator:
European Biomedical Research Institute of Salerno (EBRIS) Foundation The EBRIS Foundation’s mission is to serve as a unique, multidisciplinary research hub focused on using cutting-edge technologies to understand the molecular basis of human diseases in order to translate basic discoveries made in the laboratory into novel therapeutic and preventive interventions, new models of human disease, pioneering therapies, and drug delivery systems that can benefit patients with various diseases. The objective of the EBRIS Foundation is to network with other European research groups to create a top-level research network through the development of projects focused on the interplay between host and environment. Clinical models such as celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, autism and schizophrenia are thoroughly investigated to determine how environmental factors, especially during the first years of life, influence the microbiome, some specific metabolic patterns, and the mechanisms that govern the switch between tolerance and immunity in autoimmune diseases.
About Bio-Modeling Systems (BMSystems):
Bio-Modeling Systems, founded in 2004 and profitable since 2006, is with its operational “Augmented Intelligence” CADI™ Discovery” platform is the first and, to date, only company to successfully create in-silico heuristic models validated in-vivo. BMSystems’ models have been built by its biologists using an integrated IT solution called CADI ™ (Computer Assisted Deductive Integration) and have led to discoveries and patents in the fields of infectious diseases, oncology, neurology, psychiatry, dermatology, immunology, metabolic disorders, innovative bioprocesses for industrial biotech and the creation of new companies exploiting these patents. BMSystems’ models describe the biological phenomena involved in pathological states and provide novel mechanistic integrations to explain the cause of certain diseases, identify and select predictive biomarkers, offer new combinations of molecules and new therapeutic strategies, thereby contributing to the development of Mechanism-Based Medicine.Bio-Modeling Systems, the world’s first Mechanisms-Based Medicine Company, generated 14 successes independently validated by our clients/partners of which: 1 therapeutic spin-off in antibiotic resistance and 1 exclusive out-license in CNS, 4 issued patents, 10 publications. Two new therapeutic programs in CFS-Low-grade inflammation and Parkinson’s disease are ready for clinic validation.
For more information and access to presentations & publications, please visit our website.
Manuel GEA
CEO Bio-Modeling Systems
*CADI: Computer Assited Deductive Integration AUTISTIQUES ET SYNDROME d'ASPERGERAutisme & Micorbiote,Autisme et Micorbiote,BMSystems' CADI™ Discovery scientific program,GEMMABio-Modeling Systems, avec sa plateforme opérationnelle CADI™ Discovery, est le partenaire « Biologie Intégrative » du projet GEMMA (Autisme & Microbiote) sélectionné par la Commission européenne pour un financement H2020 de 14,2 millions d'euros. Ce programme a pour objectif d'identifier des cibles potentielles pour le traitement personnalisé et la prévention des troubles...DPDidier Polididierpoli@yahoo.frAdministratorPlanète-Douance